Bob Holiday, Broadway's First Superman

The sad news of Linda Lavin's death on December 29th marked the end of an era. Ms. Lavin had been the last surviving principal actor from "It's a Bird It's a Plane It's Superman©". She sang the lone hit song from the show, "You've Got Possibilities," and she more than held her own against the greatest scene stealer ever to grace the stage, Jack Cassidy. Ms. Lavin always stated in interviews that "It's A Bird ..." was her big break on Broadway, and anyone who saw her performance as Sydney knew she was destined for greatness.

Here are two articles on the website that feature Linda Lavin:
Who Should Play Lois Lane?
Sydney's Costumes

Rest in peace, Linda Lavin, and thank you for entertaining us for years.

Bob Holiday's Publicity Portfolio
A small request
Happy New Year
~Recent Articles: 2003 Metropolis, Illinois Superman Celebration Series~
Bob Holiday is Finally Recognized as Broadway's Superman
Press Release as Bob Plans to Head to Metropolis
Bob Holiday's Visit to the 2003 Superman Celebration
Photo Gallery
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Bob Holiday as Superman
Bob Holiday as Clark Kent