Bob Holiday, Broadway's First Superman
Bob Holiday's Publicity Portfolio

Broadway's First Lois Lane

Patricia Marand as Lois Lane

Hear Patrica Marand Sing!

Patricia Marand was absolutely enchanting as Lois Lane. Hear her sing "It's Superman," lamenting her lonely life so long as she is in love with the Man of Steel. Video captures many still photos from Patricia's life.

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Irv Salem and Patricia Marand

Irv Salem's Tribute To His Wife

Irv Salem was a well-respected lawyer, the husband of Broadway's Lois Lane aka Patricia Marand, and an accomplished artist. He was absolutely smitten with his beautiful wife and paid tribute to her in several venues. Sadly, Irv passed away in 2016 (just a few months before Bob Holiday), and with his death, the website he'd built disappeared. Fortunately, the Wayback Machine, an incredible sampling of the Internet, maintained some copies of Irv's website. is proud to bring you what copies we could find on the Wayback Machine of Irv Salem's loving tribute to his beautiful wife, Patricia Marand.

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Patricia Marand

Our Photo Tribute

Most famous for her portrayal of Lois Lane, Patricia Marand was a highly acclaimed stage actress. Over the years we've collected quite a few photos that document her career. We hope you enjoy!

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Patricia Marand as Aldonza and Dulcinea

Man of La Mancha

Patricia Marand was superb as Lois Lane. In that role, she displayed both the strength of steel and the softness of silk. Those skills served her well when she was called upon to play both Aldonza and Dulcinea in Man of La Mancha. Twice.

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Linda Lavin, Patricia Marand

Who Should Play Lois?

A recent Facebook discussion asked the question, "Why wasn't Linda Lavin cast as Lois Lane?" What are your thoughts?

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Patricia Marand as Dulcinea

Patricia Marand on "Stars of Defense"

A little known, government sponsored radio show featured Patricia Marand in March of 1967. It's no wonder, as her voice soars to the heavens!

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Patricia Marand, Chanteuse

Patricia Marand Captures Hearts On and Off Broadway

The New York Mirror Magazine featured Patricia Marand as her career was starting to soar, but before she played our favorite Lois Lane.

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Bob Holiday as Superman Bob Holiday as Clark Kent