Bob Holiday, Broadway's First Superman
Bob Holiday's Publicity Portfolio

A Stunning Portrait

Contributor Brian McKernan Commissions Portrait of Bob

Dedicated Bob Holiday fan and frequent contributor to this website, Brian McKernan, has long fought the never-ending battle to make sure that Bob is remembered as one of the great men to portray Superman. Not willing to stop with simple reminders, Brian reached out to renowned artist Thomas Key. Mr. Key is known for sketching such wonderful Superman actors as Kirk Alyn and Christopher Reeve.
Thomas Key portrait of Bob Holiday, Watermarked


Brian commissioned this portrait of Bob Holiday. Thomas Key drew the image on the right based on a tiny little inset in a 1966 Uniroyal Carpet ad that had appeared in the Ladies Home Journal. He truly brought this image to life.
Please visit Thomas Key's website to learn more about this fine artist and his incredible work!
Photos courtesy Brian McKernan
and the Estate of Bob Holiday
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Bob Holiday as Superman Bob Holiday as Clark Kent