Bob Holiday, Broadway's First Superman
Bob Holiday's Publicity Portfolio
A small request
Bob Holiday's Portfolio
After "It's a Bird It's a Plane It's Superman©" closed, Bob decided to move to Hollywood. The first task for an actor in a new locale is to hire an agent. Bob hired Leon O. Lance, who created a blockbuster portfolio to sing the praises of his newest star.
Portfolio Cover
A compendium of quotes adorned the inside of the front cover.
A good agent promoting a good-looking actor will include photos that show the full range of the actor's talents.
Bob-Photos in character
Check out this incredible list of the many places where Bob had performed.
Bob's Show History
CLICK HEREto see the rare photos of Bob Holiday that were included in this portfolio.
Photos courtesy the Estate of Bob Holiday and
personal collection of Toni Collins
Text ©2022 Toni Collins,
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Bob Holiday as Superman Bob Holiday as Clark Kent