Bob Holiday, Broadway's First Superman
Bob Holiday's Publicity Portfolio
The Stars of Broadway Lois gazes at Superman

The Souvenir Program sold at the original Broadway production of "It's a Bird It's a Plane It's Superman" gave a peek into the lives of the stars of that fabulous production.

Enjoy these great show-biz biographies (as they appeared in 1966) of the actor and actress who were chosen to give lyrical voice to the most famous comic book characters of all time.

Bob Holiday

Outside Bob Holiday's dressing room there's a Batman poster which says "This is a job for Superman!" Inside, Holiday waits in robe and slippers for a half hour to be called. In truth he's been at the theatre an hour already—he's that diligent and conscientious about his role.

He takes special care of himself, and works out at a gym every other day—but he's not complaining. "I love the part of Supe" he says. "The thing I enjoy most about being in the show is the kids." After each matinee Holiday remains in costume and at his request the children in the audience are allowed to come backstage. There he autographs their programs for them. "I sign a great big red S, tell them to drink their milk and be good. I get a big kick out of it." (One parent noting Holiday's bulging muscles and kindly mein exclaimed, "Why that fellow's a superman!")

Bob Holiday

Holiday was born in Brooklyn and he made his stage debut in the musical Fiorello! He appeared in this Broadway hit for two years. He first took stage in an amateur contest at the age of 7 and he began his professional career singing in nightclubs. He's performed throughout the United States and Europe. He starred as Sir Lancelot in a national tour of Camelot. He served in the Second Armored Cavalry Regiment and upon his discharge, received a commendation for meritorious service while overseas.

Holiday believes that a hard working attitude is the only attitude that counts in the theatre. In summer stock the 6'4" 200 lb. actor has played Joel Dynamite in Wildcat, Bo Decker in Bus Stop, Johnny Pope in A Hatful of Rain and Randy Curtis in Lady in the Dark.

Quote from Newsweek

He's an avid fan of the New York Giants pro football team and he likes basketball—having played a great deal of it in high school.

His hobbies include model railroading and building model planes and boats. And he collects stamps. Just like Clark Kent.

Patricia Marand

Patricia Marand says, "When you're a teen-ager you have an idol, someone you look up to like the President of the United States or a movie star or a baseball player. With Lois Lane it happened to be Superman, and she stuck by him, adoring him silently for years. I understand how she felt; I was president of a fan club in Rye, N.Y. when I was in high school." She smiled. "I'm delighted to be playing Lois. Who wouldn't enjoy being part of a legend?"

Patricia Marand

At the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Miss Marand's heroine was Mary Martin, but she never shared a stage with her. By the time she felt qualified to audition for South Pacific on Broadway, Martha Wright had replaced Miss Martin. When Pat won the role of Navy nurse Lt. Genevieve Marshall in the Rodgers and Hammerstein classic, she was also auditioning for another musical hit. Several months later Rodgers and Hammerstein recommended her to Joshua Logan for Wish You Were Here. She auditioned and played the role opposite her current star Jack Cassidy.

Subsequently she replaced Janis Paige in Pajama Game. She's been a featured singer of songs in Kismet, Plain and Fancy, and she toured Europe for Rodgers and Hammerstein in Oklahoma! She also co-starred with Dick Shawn in Anything Goes and High Button Shoes at the Thunderbird in Las Vegas.

She's perhaps best known for soloing in pop concerts with the Cleveland, Chicago and Pittsburgh Symphonies. She's also starred in such supper clubs as New York's Pierre, Chicago's Drake, Washington's Shoreham, Montreal's Queen Elizabeth, and countless other top hotel cafes.

On television she's appeared on the Ed Sullivan, Jack Paar, Johnny Carson, Pantomime Quiz, and Virginia Graham's Girl Talk shows.

Pat's hobbies? Singing!

Photos Courtesy the Estate of Bob Holiday
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Bob Holiday as Superman Bob Holiday as Clark Kent