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It was with great sadness that learned of the gentle passing of Jack Larson, best known as Jimmy Olsen in the 1950s Adventures of Superman. Typecasting as Jimmy put an end to his acting career.
"... It absolutely wrecked my acting career," Larson said in 1996. "I quit acting and wrote because I just couldn't get a job. They didn't want Jimmy Olsen walking through their films." [1]
But Jack came to realize that his years as Jimmy Olsen were a gift that he gave to all of us.
I feel completely at peace with that [playing Jimmy Olsen]. You are blessed in life if you can give people pleasure and happiness. That's all I've ever tried to do with my work. If I've learned anything from my career, it's that you don't really know the value of what you're doing. So, you had better do your best with whatever is at hand. You never know what will outlive you. [2]
After deciding not to audition for acting roles, Jack remained in show business behind the scenes, writing plays, producing, and even penning the book for an opera, Lord Byron (1972). [1]
Eventually, nostalgia and the Baby Boomers’ love for Jack brought him back to acting. We were always excited to see him, on both television and on the big screen. contributors Toni Collins and Brian McKernan had the great privilege of meeting Jack Larson in 2014. What a gentleman, and a gentle man. He was 86 years old, gracious, and indefatigable.