Bob Holiday, Broadway's First Superman
Bob Holiday's Publicity Portfolio
Bob Holiday with Rob Ventre

In 2008, this website had a brief update for you, that Bob Holiday had open heart surgery and was recovering nicely. Here is the original post, followed by a few updates.

Rob Ventre and Bob Holiday
Bob Holiday, star of the hit 1966 Broadway musical "It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Superman", underwent coronary bypass surgery on Wednesday, April 9th, 2008 at Mercy Hospital, in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Bob was released 13 days later and is [was] back home in Hawley, PA, where he [was] making a super-recovery and [had] resumed supervising new construction projects. [Said] Bob, "I feel great and thank Mercy Hospital and my family—particularly my daughter Kelly— for the excellent treatment I received."
Bob Holiday poses with Rob Ventre at
the 2007 Opening Doors Theatre Company
revival of "It's a Bird It's a Plane It's Superman".
Photo © Brian McKernan

The weekend before the surgery, Bob called me out of the blue. We had occasional phone calls before that, as I was by then running Bob's website, but this call was different. "I need to tell you something," he said. "I don't want you to read about this on the Internet. I'm going into the hospital tomorrow and I'm having open heart surgery. The doctors say this will give me fifteen more years, so I decided to go for it. I'm like that. When I make up my mind, I get right to it!"

The open heart surgery was a turning point in Bob's life. He did recover well, as reported, and his heart never gave him a moment's concern after the surgery. So from that standpoint, the surgery was indeed a success.

But it also marked a change for Bob. He recognized that it was time to slow down. He closed his home-building business (his second super-successful career) and, over time, stayed home more and more. When his computer broke down, he chose not to replace it.

I called Bob daily while he was in the hospital and then weekly for the rest of his life. I became his "human computer," reading him your eMails and typing back his answers to you, his fans. (He was always grateful to hear from you.) Our long-distance friendship was a constant and, I believe, positive part of his life. I miss him every day.

Then again, how many people get to say, ...

... Superman was my best friend!

Photo ©2007, Text ©2008 Brian McKernan, ©2018 Toni Collins
SUPERMAN and all related elements are the property of DC Comics. TM & © 2018
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Bob Holiday as Superman Bob Holiday as Clark Kent